
Donations needed

To the Editor: Recently, the American Legion Post 171 finally got their own building that they now can call their own. It’s located across the street from the Ramsey Funeral Home on Silverleaf Street in Gladwin.

Reader concerned over Sparks article

To the Editor: To you folks who might have read the Sparks school papers article on “Union on strike” article. The article in the Sparks paper, titled, union strike, had a strangely democratic party, flavor to it.

Treatment given for dry eyes fails to improve condition

DEAR DR. ROACH: I developed chronic dry eyes after having cataract surgery on both eyes. I consulted an ophthalmologist who specialized in treating dry eyes. She prescribed Restasis, but my condition didn’t improve after three months of use. She then switched me to Xiidra and instructed me to use it for two more refills, which lasted for nine months.

May I Walk With You

Many of us know the words to the song, “I Have Loved You” by Michael Joncas. In part the words are, “I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have called you and you are mine.” What wonderful words.

Concerned reader

To the Editor: Two weeks in a row the same unsubstantiated rumor has been presented as fact. That is the story that President Trump called veterans suckers and losers.

Russia is a civilizational adversary

The poet Robert Frost once said that a liberal is someone too broadminded to take his own side in a fight. What would he say about those on the right who seem to be confused about the same question? Over the last few days, Donald Trump told a rally about how he’d supposedly warned the leader of a NATO nation that he’d encourage the Russians “to do whatever the hell they want” against countries that weren’t spending enough on defense, while the former Fox News personality Tucker Carlson broadcast videos from Moscow praising its grocery stores and subways as superior to those in the United States.

Kids shouldn’t be on social media at all

Mark Zuckerberg is very sorry. His apology at a Senate hearing to the families of victims of online child sex abuse was dramatic, and the human thing to do in the moment, although he was pressured into it under persistent questioning from Sen. Josh Hawley, a Republican from Missouri.

Sudden Foot Pain After a Concert Becomes Debilitating

DEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter and her friend went to a concert and had to climb stairs. They ended up walking about 2.5 miles in total. After returning home, my daughter had severe pain in both of her feet and was unable to stand or walk on them. She said it felt like someone was crushing them.