The Coffee Table Salon opens in Gladwin

  • The Coffee Table Salon opens in Gladwin
    The Coffee Table Salon opens in Gladwin
  • The Coffee Table Salon opened on August 10 and is located at 1557 W. M-61 in Gladwin. Inset photo, left to right, is Rebekah Winchester, Amanda Dare, Lisa Hamilton, the three hairdressers for The Coffee Table Salon.
    The Coffee Table Salon opened on August 10 and is located at 1557 W. M-61 in Gladwin. Inset photo, left to right, is Rebekah Winchester, Amanda Dare, Lisa Hamilton, the three hairdressers for The Coffee Table Salon.
GLADWIN Anew business in Gladwin, The Coffee Table Salon, officially opened on August 10. Located at 1557 W. M-61, The Coffee Table Salon provides a variety of services and a unique space for waiting guests. The business is owned by Jim and Ivie Baker and was initially bought to move their real estate business to the front of the building. The building they purchased just happened to previously…

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