

To the Editor: Governor Whitmer in July signed off on several bills that will seriously change our election laws. Thanks to the Democrats in Lansing who looked on Prop 2 as just a starting point, we now have: ■ Up to 30 days of early voting if a county can afford it ■ Out of state drivers licenses and IDs to be accepted at the polls which when combined with same day registration opens a minefield for vote fraud) ■ If applying for an absentee ballot not in person and the signature doesn’t match the records when the clerk checks, the applicant must be provided a chance to ‘correct’ it ■ No provisional ballots allowed if an ‘affidavit of identity’ is signed ■ Perpetual mailing of ballot requests to the same address ■ Only election officials can conduct post-election audits Thanks to this packet of ‘reforms’ our election integrity is seriously harmed.


To the Editor: You may have heard some talk about the Inflation Reduction Act that was passed by the Biden Administration and just recently enacted. What I want to know is, what does it mean to me; to us in Gladwin County? I went looking for answers.


To the Editor: Greetings to all, Today I congratulate all the August 8 voters, people prepared to declare how they wanted or did not want their taxes to be used for the common good. Yet, as I congratulate you, I am aware many did not vote simply because they did not know of the importance of August 8, a day dedicated to bringing four millages to the citizens of Gladwin County.

Law Enforcement Public Safety Millage

To the Editor: Make a note to remind yourself to participate in your democracy at the polls on August 8, 2023. This is our opportunity to be heard through our actions in the process of self-governing.

Concerned reader

To the Editor: Our fundamental freedoms are being attacked by the Supreme Court. The partisan right-wing majority on the bench gutted voting rights, opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate money in our elections, struck down gun safety laws, and limited the government’s ability to protect our air and water.

14th Annual Family Fun Fair a success

To the Editor: On behalf of the Gladwin Church of the Nazarene and the Family Fun Fair Committee Members, we would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their donations to our 14th Annual Family Fun Fair, which was held on June 10, 2023, at the Gladwin Church of the Nazarene. Without our vendors, volunteers and the generous donations and support from local businesses, our event would not have been successful.

Concerned citizen

To the Editor: My wife and I recently set up a home equity line of credit at a local bank. You can imagine the amount of paperwork to be filled out and the documents that we had to provide.

Gladwin Varsity Softball girls say “Thank you!”

To the Editor: Thank you again to the ladies that golf at Lakeside Golf Course and their financial donation to the Gladwin Girl’s Varsity Softball team last fall. As promised, a picture to show you how professional the new warm-up jackets turned out.

Democrats in Lansing continue to work for us

To the Editor: Democrats in Lansing are continuing to work for the people of Michigan no matter where you live. They have recently repealed the “right to work for less” law which will help to raise wages for workers in our state.


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